GIS in pre-census mapping of sampled rural and urban localities in Enugu north and south constituency: A sustainable pathway for census planning in Enugu State.

  • Chukwuemeka A. Onyekwelu University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Nnabugwu O. Uluocha University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos
  • Alabi S. Soneye University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos
Keywords: enumeration area, constituency, foot print map, GIS, GIT map


Background: The recurring inaccuracy in census figures is attriutable to the lacuna in pre-census mapping. Data Source and Method: Geographic Information System (GIS) tool was demonstrated for the 2006 pre-census enumeration area- (EA) mapping of 2 NPC analogue EAs of urban and rural localities in Enugu State. An 11-tier EA template and a satellite image-based   Geographical Information Technology EA Framework were generated using the Arc GIS version 10.3. All NPC analogue EA maps were found to fall short of the 12 spatial quality parameters viz; completeness, logical consistency, topological consistency, positional, temporal and thematic accuracy, mathematical basis, reliability, geometric accuracy, modernity, cartographic design and scientific and social value.Results: A checklist audit analysis indicates that road and building are dominant EA features.Conclusion:The application of a Geo-spatial data bank infrastructure within a Constituency Land Information System (CLIS) was suggested to help in aligning the agency on a proper trajectory to meet the targets of sustainable development.


Author Biographies

Chukwuemeka A. Onyekwelu, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Department of Geography15
Nnabugwu O. Uluocha, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos
Department of Geography
Alabi S. Soneye, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos
Department of Geography

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