Determinants of Fertility Decline in Botswana

  • S Kwesi Gaisie


Botswana exhibits a medium fertility rate (i.e.4.0-5.0 births per woman). One of the three countries in sub-Sahara Africa (Kenya and Zimbabwe are the other two) reported to be experiencing incipient fertility decline, an indication of the subcontinent's entry into the second phase of the fertility transition after undergoing significant changes in the proximate determinants of fertility over the past few decades. The magnitude and socioeconomic and demographic determinants of the declines in the three countries have become major preoccupations of researchers. This article examines some aspects of these topical issues in relation to fertility trend in Botswana. It also draws attention to the need to develop intellectual capacity for studying these phenomena and provide adequate and reliable information and appropriate tools for monitoring and evaluating demographic trends in the sub-continent.


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